Note: All of the notes are based on the Economics SL May 2019 Syllabus, and the IB economics syllabus has changed slightly since then, so these notes would not cover everything.
1. All of the questions that the IB exam could possibly ask you MUST come from the topics in the syllabus points, so the notes that I created for IB Economics were based on these syllabus points. As a result, the notes are pretty long, however they cover everything except a few syllabus points (<5%) which I skipped because I had handwritten notes or I knew it would probably not be asked.
2. How to use the notes:
Read the notes one chapter at a time or even a few pages at a time. After you get to end of the chapter or page, open the Syllabus Points without Answers (2nd document below) and try to recall or write down everything you remember to answer each of the syllabus points (without looking at the notes). After you do that, look at the notes to see what you missed out and how you could improve.
Remember, these notes are quite extensive, so you don't need to be able to recall everything, but you should be able to get the main points. For example, if there are 6 factors that cause the demand curve to shift, you don't need to remember all 6 factors - 3 factors should be enough.
Links to Notes on Google Docs:
Real World Examples:
Syllabus Points without answers:
Microeconomics Notes:
Macroeconomics Notes:
International Economics Notes:
Development Economics Notes: